



How the policy change affect in unemployment rate for young adult between 1999 and 2006 compare with Hong Kong and England?

Hong Kong returned to China after 1997, under the concept of “One country Two system”, and ended colony century by England. As the long time colonialism governing, the education system in Hong Kong is similar to England. It is worth to make a research between 2 places.

Due to globalization, the whole Asia district suffer bubble economic problem, Hong Kong government provided some scheme like “Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme, to manage the high youth unemployment rate. And also, England carried out “New Deal” scheme, to handle the similar problem.

l 1. Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme (http://www.ywets.labour.gov.hk)
l 2. Youth Pre-employment Training Programme (http://www.yes.labour.gov.hk)
l 3. Census (http://www.censtatrd.gov.hk)
l 4. Labour department (http://www.labour.gov.hk)
l 5. The Labour Party ( http://www.labour.org.hk)
l 6. New Deal Homepage (http://www.newdeal.gov.uk)
l 7. Job Centre plus (http://www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/JCP/index.html)
l 8. Department for Work and Pensions (http://www.dwp.gov.uk/)
l 9. Interview Legislative Councilor and Trade Unions in Hong Kong
l 10.Send a letter to England Labour for seeking relevant information
